How are the fees for the registry paid?

At the close of your registry campaign, the following fees will be collected from the funding total you raised: Business Gift Registry’s 5% fee, and payment processing fees (between 3% and 5%). If the registry campaign isn’t successful, there are no fees.

So, if your registry is valued at $10,000, but only get $5,000 worth of items then the fees are $250 plus any credit card fees which range from $150-250.

So, a successful campaign is considered any of the items? Not all of the items?
1) We’re not going with the all or nothing method. If a portion of your gifts get purchased, then you keep it!

How are you assisting the businesses in marketing?
2) To help promote your registry, we are preparing a guide to help you effectively plan and promote your registry with your friends and family. Also, for the first 100 entrepreneurs to launch a registry, we are providing additional promotion assistance like:
– creating up to 2min video for the registry page which tells your story
– teaser videos optimized for social (IG and Facebook)
– featured on our social pages
– pitching your registry to related press as part of BGR’s story

When do you intend to launch with marketing associated?
3) As a launch partner you also get featured in our marketing materials as we seek press. We have already secured a partnership with New Voices and will be coordinating a campaign promoting BGR to their subscribers.

4) You didn’t ask this but I’m also in the middle of securing some additional perks to founders who successfully meet their funding goal. I’m currently in talks with Google for Startups, AWS, Segment, and Stripe. They are not finalized yet but I hope to announce a partnership soon. If founders launch without the partnerships in place, I will retroactively reward the founders with the perks as we get them.

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